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Sebastian O. | 04.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

Finde einen Ort im Inneren, an dem es Freude gib, und die Freude wird den Schmerz verbrennen.


Susi Sorgenfrei | 06.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

Feiertage und sonstige Festivitäten !!!!!

Haben ja heute Nikolaustag.
Kommt da einer angeflitzt und schiebt einem was in die Schuhe........oder dazwischen....
Dann geht das an den Weihnachtsfeiertagen so weiter. Verkleidetes Männeken mit Sack und Rute und und bedroht die kleinen Kinder.
Wow - an Silvester steigen die Raketen. Fragt sich nur welche......
Valentinstag vertragen sich alle wieder und kommen mit Blümchen, Herzchen und fetten Küssen.
Küssen - Rosenmontag - Leute knutschen wie wild in der Gegend herum.
Aschermittwoch dann wieder alles vorbei - auch so manche Ehe.
Muttertag : Einmal kann man ja das Allroundtalent verwöhnen.
Vatertag : Die meisten sind noch nicht einmal Papi - oder sie wissen es noch nicht.
Ostern flitzt dann wieder so ein verkleidetes Etwas durch die Botanik. Dann werden Eier gesucht und Möhrchen geknabbert.
Da senkt doch der Pfingstochse nur noch verschämt die Hörner.

Bitte alles nicht so ernst nehmen.........

Wovor hast du Angst

Lisaa Lie | 07.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Wovor hast du Angst???

Wovor hast du Angst?? Dass Dir jemand zu nahe kommt und etwas über Dich und Deine Gefühle erfährt, ehe Du auf Distanz gehen kannst??
Wovor hast du Angst?? Dass jemand zuviel Platz in Deinem Leben einnimmt, und Dich nur für wenige Stunden in der Woche beansprucht, die Du sonst mehr mit Deinen Freunden verbracht hättest?
Wovor hast du Angst?? Dass jemand versucht immer für Dich da zu sein und Dir mit Liebe, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen will?
Wovor hast du Angst?? Das dieser jemand ich sein könnte?

Liebe Dich

Lisaa Lie | 07.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

Liebe Dich...

Zuerst haben wir uns geschrieben, dann telefoniert...Plötzlich stand ich vor Dir und wir haben uns verliebt...Es ging alles so schnell...Ich habe Dich lieben gelernt...Wir haben viel erlebt, doch mir tut es weh zu sehn, wie alles in Wind zerweht, du bist das beste was ich habe, die Engel gaben mir deine Gabe, und trotz der wut und der Streit´s, werde ich in Gedanke immer bei Dir sein...!!!

"thema Beschreibung"

Tom Tom | 08.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

So viel zum Thema "Beschreibung"
ich weiss gar nicht wie oft ich meine schon verändert hab
dieser teil ist immer ganz amüsant ... er macht die ganze geschichte immer so schön absurd... ich mein mal ganz im ernst: egal was man hier reinschreibt, man kann sich nur selbst zum löffel machen!!!! schreibt man nur negatives über sich, so wirft dies nicht gerade ein angenehmes licht auf einen, es spricht den leser nicht wirklich an... oder sehe ich das falsch?!?... nun betrachten wir den anderen fall: das eigenlob, bzw. auch das herausstellen von positiven eigenschaften... nun ich glaube wir alle stimmen über ein, dass wir jene für gewöhnlich als selbstverliebt und überheblich abstempeln... selbst wenn man nur wenig lobendes über sich äußert, die mehrheit fasst es immer noch als selbstverliebt auf... nun dann gibt es da noch meine absolute lieblings kategorie: den "come-in-and-find-out-verfasser" der mit so geilen sprüchen wie: FINDE ES DOCH EINFACH SELBST HERAUS, oder AM BESTEN IST DU LERNST MICH EINFACH MAL KENNEN aufwartet!!! da werde ich aggressiv...also bitte, bitte auf KEINEN fall etwas derartiges schreiben!! DANN: lieber GARNICHTS!!!!!!!!!!...
... so da habt ihr es... wer dies aufmerksam gelesen hat weiß tatsächlich was über mich... und damit befürchte ich bin ich selber nicht besser, als jene die ich gerade kritisiert habe...


Roberto Kloske | 10.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 1 Kommentare Symbol 0

hmm vilt kennt das einer wenn der große nie für ein dar ist sich nur meldet wenn er was will er nicht dar wenn man probleme hat oder weis ich was er lebt lieber sein leben die anderen könnnen in egal sein so denke ich das er das auch denk und ich dachte er ist mein großes vor bild

verrückt und doch normal

Fr T. | 11.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 5 Kommentare Symbol 0

It\'s vital to find out who you\'re

Elmer D. | 13.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Each human being is special on this Earth. Each person is only one of its kind. Lots of people do not even think how it’s wonderful to get to know yourself in order to be able to change somewhat in your life or improve abilities. I believe it is exceptionally significant to make plans in your life asking an important question to myself, “Who am I as well as why?” I\'ve asked this problem to myself as well as I understood that I in truth do not comprehend the way to respond to it. Consequently, I took various psychological tests in class. I think them exceptionally necessary for everybody if you would like to be acquainted with yourself. I’m glad that I took the tests because I know a great deal extra about myself at this point.
I certainly can say that I am an expressed extravert. I’m a outgoing person. I love people. I love spending time around them. I feel myself so relaxed when I’m not on your own. I believe I’m extremely outgoing. On behalf of me it does not matter wherever to be: at school, at a house of worship or in luxury hotels. I always start talking to people extremely straightforwardly. I like learning about people. I always make an effort to pay attention to people. I imagine it aids me to be liked by populace. I have my personal top secret to meet new people. And it is all the time appearing incredibly glad plus smiling.
I can\'t hide from view my emotions. If I notice something amazing and incredibly exciting I will jump with, “Wow”. I more often than not become excited very with no trouble about everything remarkable and latest. What\'s more, if I see somebody good-looking I will typically say enhances to this person. I like approving things. Even if its something very small although it’s cute I\'ll be be incredibly happy to glance at it and like it. I like observing stuff as well as think about them. I typically imagine a whole lot. However, I forget to think prior to I perform something. And I ought to confess, it gets me in problem.
Sometimes I can\'t stand myself because of it. I am able to even state something and after that notice that I probably have said something incorrect. However I strive to improve myself and keep asking Lord to aid me to turn into a better person. Becoming a much better person is my objective in life, and I wish I can achieve it sooner or later in near future.

Healthy consumption when you take diet products

Elmer D. | 13.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

If you\'re wondering on the subject of to have diet pills to lose a number of weight, afterward you perhaps want to be aware of what you are supposed to eat with taking slimming capsules. Plenty of men and women think that if people have weight loss supplements people can still consume anything they desire. Although it is so incorrect. Even if diet pills you are taking will reduce your desire for food, you even now ought to have well-balanced good for your health foods and exercise. If you learn how to eat right in addition to work out while you happen to be chatting weight loss pills, you\'ll be able to take this information throughout lifetime. So, previous to you have any losing weight supplements you need to find out what you ought to have also. At this time for you a number of thoughts to think about.
The best food you can ever eat while you might be taking slimming capsules are veggies in addition to fruit. Veggies and fruit do not have a whole lot of calories that is why it’s easy to get rid of weight if you consume these foods. Also, they\'re incredibly good for you because they contain a lot of nutritional vitamins, in addition to they have fiber.
Since your diet pills decrease your desire for food, you\'ll eat less, nevertheless you still need to have many natural vitamins. Plus fruit as well as vegetables help you get these vitamins. If you might be taking weight loss pills you furthermore really need to have good for you carbohydrates. You in truth need carbohydrates for the energy. When you are having diet pills you\'ll have to have many energy for
working out. Also, whole grains contain a lot of fiber, low in fat, in addition to do not have loads of calories, as a result you can still get rid of a lot of weight consuming them.
Taking weight loss supplements is not possible without eating a sufficient amount protein. Protein is awfully great for you because it offers you power for the whole day, as well as protein helps you be full. Strive to consume low fat meat, fish meat, low-fat dairy foodstuffs to become healthy in addition to in shape. Study instructions of diet pills to understand exactly which supply of protein one can eat. In addition to, needless to say, you is supposed to eat good for your health fat while you\'re having diet pills, as you see your body could fight disease. At the present you are aware of the whole thing regarding what you happen to be supposed to consume as you take diet pills. I believe that this given information was useful.


Roberto Kloske | 13.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 3 Kommentare Symbol 0

hoffentlichmeldet sie sich sieist mir echt wichtig bitte glaub mir bitte

Fehlerbehebungen an der neuen Navigation

Spion Team | 14.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 4 Kommentare Symbol 0

In der letzten Woche wurde die Navigation der Seite umgestellt. Bei solch einer schwerwiegenden Änderung können immer kleinere Fehler auftreten, so ist es auch hier geschehen. Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle noch einmal ausdrücklich bei allen Kritikern und Vorschlaggebern für das schnelle und konstruktive Feedback bedanken. So macht uns das richtig Spaß mit euch.

Folgende von euch entdeckte Fehler wurden nun behoben:

* Beim Blättern durch blätterbare Elemente (Freundeslisten etc.) wurde automatisch nach oben gescrollt - FIXED (bereits letzte Woche)
* Das Postfach war auf Mobilgeräten durch den nachrutschenden blauen Balken unbedienbar geworden - FIXED
* Neue Posts im Forum wurden durch den blauen Balken verdeckt - FIXED
* Nutzername und Passwort können nun wieder mit TAB eingegeben werden - FIXED

Wir freuen uns auf weiteres Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschläge von euch,

euer Spion-Team

What is shopping love for men and women

Elmer D. | 14.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

It is a well known actuality that women habitually go shopping for clothes more then guys. A woman would use up hrs for picking evening dresses or business skirts, as well as men will habitually go off plus pick the first thing they observe. Why are ladies so different from guys when men and women shop? For what reasons for females is buying things a huge amount of fun, however for gentlemen it is something that they need to accomplish. When it comes for ladies who\'s in a supermarket, she is going to walk contentedly from end to end leather jackets sector or else stroll from beginning to end of dresses section. A woman could try on at the very least 10 unusual garments, perhaps purchase something, plus after that she might go buy fragrance or powder. Then again, while male goes buying things it is similar to if he is on a special mission. a man understands what he requirements to pay money for, and so a man comes in to a store, goes straight to the clothing, purchases it and leaves when achievable. So he will be happy in the very end that his mission was accomplished.
According to lots of studies ladies think a lot about the conversation with sales assistants. On the other hand, guys think more regarding an excellent parking spot near a store; they care if a supermarket had the thing they wanted to buy, in addition to if they needed to wait a lot to check out. Females like taking pleasure in the total buying things experience from walking into a supermarket until the moment the go out. Conversely, men wish to get an exact piece, as you see go out form a supermarket. After women are requested to inform what things women think about shopping, they think that women like shopping very much, and women constantly can\'t pass the time until they do shopping again. When men are asked to think something concerning shopping they assume that men usually walk in to a store, purchase something,as well as go to a house to do other stuff.
Cause females be concerned buying things much more then males, every now and then females would acquire clothing for their men. I remember one time my tutor told me if his spouse didn\'t buy him outfits, he could go without clothes. On the other hand, today it really is altering a little bit, plus more men start loving buying things. Expectantly, in the foreseeable future many more males will love buying things cause shopping is able to be in actuality very much fun.

What nutritionists state concerning how to eat well

Elmer D. | 14.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

As soon as I tell you the word “eating routine.” What are you wondering regarding? Are you wondering about some severe rules, and avoiding everything you adore eating very much? Unfortunately, a whole lot of men and women who have difficulty with fat loss because think this way. That is why many men and women who start acting on fat burning, in the end stop. Many dietitians suggest that the dilemma of quitting losing a lot of weight is in type of diets people choose. From time to time dieters select as well harsh diet programs; they can\'t deal with with these diets for a very long time,plus they give up. Nutritionists on the other hand encourage small adjustments in one\'s life. Listed below are various easy ways to assist you modify one\'s life-style, get rid of pounds of weight, and so now start eating in good for health way.
A lot of men and women do believe that food regimen is anything that you are able to start as well as quit on a regular basis. As a substitute you should think regarding your other healthy diet program as a way of life change. This new lifestyle change should go on without end. One need to not eat one day of the week a great deal thinking that another day of the week you are able to do better, plus it will assist you get rid of weight. You have only one body, and you can\'t only shock it everyday by consuming plenty and after that a small amount. One need to make healthy selections
always, so you\'ll be able to get rid of a lot of weight plus stay well.
Another extremely excellent idea lots of dietitians have is planing food ahead of time. You are supposed to all the time have ready ingredients in one\'s refrigerator, and so just the once you do come to a decision to cook dinner, you may be able to make up healthy picks right away. You can even chop veggies, or else stick a menu on the refrigerator to help you be prepared to cook dinner anytime. As well, you need to write down what you\'ve consumed, or yet what you are going to have. Put in writing in your meals diary what foods, drinks or else snacks you ate. It will assist you continue being motivated, in addition to answerable to yourself. At what time you eat something, eat something in moderation, as well as never skip your foods, and you will, unquestionably, be able to be well as you see get rid of pounds of weight. And, after reading the steps, you can be healthy as well as cheerful nowadays!

Why do very various men and women get electric cigarettes today

Elmer D. | 14.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

A lot of people have been smoking almost all their life, and most of them have tried to doing it ever since they\'ve started smoking. If you smoke, you recognize in what way actually hard it is to quit. Regardless how hard you try you most likely will quit only for a very short point in time. Luckily, nowadays there is an additional technique to help one satisfy your smoking cravings. One of the most recent wellbeing trends that have got a huge worldwide recognition is electronic cigarettes. Here is what people who tried these cigarettes say concerning it.
We have a tendency to all understand in what way unsafe real cigarettes are intended for people who smoke, and for men and women who breathe in what we breathe out. Smoking can cause addiction, as well as hurt to your body cause of the most important ingredient nicotine. Nowadays so as to reduce the quantity of inhaled nicotine people can have electronic cigarette. It really is a fact that there is a smaller amount nicotine in electric cigarettes that is why it is less harmful for you. People who have smoked the cigarettes stated they\'re ok. People think that electric cigarettes can fulfill smoking cravings, that\'s why they can work for you as well.
What\'s more, these cigarettes don\'t have smell at all that is why you can smoke them in public. When you smoke you just exhale steam that is why electric cigarettes don\'t have a bad smell. It can be so good that at this time you would smoke at the hotels or restaurants worry-free. And these days people can try electric cigarettes with different tastes along with strength that\'s why there is always something for everyone. Doctors advice to smoke electric cigarettes as an alternative to normal cigarettes. However, they don\'t advice to go and buy the cigarettes just to start smoking. They\'re still dangerous, however only much less.
And people say that buying electric cigarettes saves currency also. There exists a unique cartridge inside them, that can be replaced pretty effortlessly. There are no extra days of buying packs of cigarettes anymore. At this time, you can simply buy one, and so smoke it for more than thirty times. Can you imagine to smoke one cigarette that long? So, do you believe electric cigarettes are worth getting? Many people in the world already do.

Ideas how to select moving services

Elmer D. | 14.12.2011 Aufrufe Symbol 0 Kommentare Symbol 0

Currently my life is pretty stable, and feels nice to at last quiet down. I am married right away, in addition to me and my husband have just purchased a house. Although only a few years ago my life was pretty crazy. I am a super model and for the reason that of my occupation I needed to travel much. It was incredibly hard at times, but cause I love my job so much it wasn\'t a difficulty. I required to travel because of various photo shoots, fashion shows as well as commercials. From time to time I even needed to be somewhere for a year. So, certainly, I were required to go to numerous places a whole lot. I used moving services all the time, so let me tell you how I picked out a moving business in case you are about to have a career that demands moving also.
Because I frequently knew one or two weeks ahead of time my next spot to reside in, I usually began preparing for my move to a different place ahead of time also. To begin with, I would begin seeking aid of moving services. I need toconfess that I have by no means moved my stuff by myself for the most part for the reason that I hate moving. I simply have very many possessions plus they are all very weighty that I every time give this job to hands of specialized people. I have moved hundreds of thousands of times in my life and if not moving services I most likely would ought to adjust my job.
Let me say to you from the own experience you cannot simply use any moving company. It\'s chief to learn as a great deal as possible regarding the moving company because they will to be in contact with your stuff. I at all times study a lot about moving companies I wish for to employ. I examine what moving services they present, and testimonials of people who have used these services beforehand. As well, I judge if a company is good considering their web-site. Possibly it really is kind of ridiculous, although if I like how great a web-site looks at that moment I will suppose that the moving company will be good quality.
On the web-site I discover company\'s contact information, so then I more often than not call a company to ask for a quote. For me money is not an issue, though I do give a call a number of companies to evaluate their quotes. Afterward it can be significant for me that company representatives are polite to me on the phone. If they are, then I might hire this company. So,these are probably the most important things I pay attention to when I pick moving services. I hope this info was helpful to you.

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